BLOOMBERG: Russia and China Have a Stranglehold on the World’s Food Security
Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine highlighted the role of fertilizers — and who controls them — as a strategic lever of global influence. (Bloomberg) — The cargo trapped for months at the Dutch port of Rotterdam was so precious that the United Nations intervened to mediate its release. The World Food Programme chartered a ship to transport […]
Global Fertilizer Outlook
2023 Potash Outlook Sees More Supply, Lower Prices OMAHA (DTN) — The global potash (K) outlook in 2023 looks to be a bit of a mixed bag. The entire world fertilizer industry continues to watch closely the continuing war between Ukraine and Russia which could disrupt supply. Russia and Belarus account for 41% of the […]
Fertilizer Prices, Rates, and Costs for 2023
While fertilizer prices have declined since spring, fertilizer prices remain high, and fertilizer costs are significantly higher than a year ago. Therefore, reducing rates where practicable seems prudent. Some fields will have soil test levels above those that will cause a yield response from phosphorus and potassium applications. Significantly reducing or eliminating applications in these […]